ComfortStall flooring system

Stable flooring can have a major impact on your horses respiratory and musculoskeletal condition. 
So what can be done to ensure maximum health?

The current problems

Deep bedding. Used as a common management tool for many years, giving owners the option to do a full ‘muck out’ a little less often and proving what looks to be a comfortable bed for their horse. The problem? You’re potentially creating a dusty space and the perfect environment for the production of ammonia.

Rubber matting. Matting ranges from standard matting to crumb based rubber mattress flooring. 

The problems? Standard matting is typically rubber laid straight on concrete or earth and provides little or no orthopaedic joint support, typically only 3% softer than concrete. The rubber is held together in a jigsaw design and allows urine to seep through, degrading to urea and off-gasing as harmful ammonia.

Crumb based flooring can produce unlevel surfaces exposing horses to injury. The top cover can stretch out of shape, wrinkle and bubble, wear quickly over time, and is vulnerable to tears. When compromised it can harbour urine and again develop harmful ammonia. The rubber can also contain latex which has been found to cause severe equine asthma.

The solution is a sealed, orthopaedic and impermeable flooring system

Introducing our revolutionary ComfortStall® Flooring System, co-developed and used on a daily basis by Cornell University Veterinary Hospital.

Combining three key veterinarian-recommended components to provide a range of respiratory and musculoskeletal benefits:

1. The ComfortStall® Precision Foam. A proprietary orthopaedic padding system made up of chemically cross-linked polyethylene closed cell medical grade padding which is laminated for structural integrity. 

The result is a 'spring in your step' anti-fatigue foam system that completely mitigates the fatigue factor many horses experience when standing on concrete or traditional rubber mats.The Precision Foam insulates against the cold and heat. absorbs vibration and shock, offers energy return, and is completely waterproof.

2. The ComfortStall IronClad TopCover. Made from 5 layers; 2 of tough, tightly woven polyester/nylon mesh, sandwiched between three layers of dense, vulcanised latex free rubber to offer unmatched structural stability, durability and an impermeable, waterproof surface.

The result is a top cover pliable enough to deliver the therapeutic benefits of the padding it protects, and tough enough to outlast everything but concrete.

3. HDPE Anchor Strips. The system is completely sealed, creating an impermeable barrier to prevent urine and other undesireable moisture from seeping through to the sub-floor to create urea and harmful ammonia off-gasing.

Did you know?
Urea build up in the stable off-gasses as ammonia and high levels can cause bronchiolar and alveolar edema, and airway destruction resulting in respiratory distress or failure (New York State Department of Health). 

And it's built to last

Unlike other flooring systems that offer 1-2 years warranty, ComfortStall® is proud to offer 6 years warranty.

ComfortStall® has a life expectancy of at least 15-20 years. That translates to a cost per day of just 30-40 cents.

And a payback typically within 12 months

ComfortStall® has made the need to use shavings for protection from the native floor obsolete. Less shavings = less labour + smaller manure pile + no maintenance = reduced costs. 

Owners who have installed ComfortStall® report reducing bedding costs as much as 75%. In a commercial environment that can mean a payback on investment in less than a year!

The choice for Cornell University Veterinary Hospital

1,000 horses a year at Cornell University Veterinary Hospital, one of the top 3 veterinarian hospitals in USA, recover from surgery on a ComfortStall®. 

What others say

Hear from Carly Kaber, Stable Manager at Deeridge Farms, and others...

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