About ComfortStall Flooring

Why fit ComfortStall?

ComfortStall is a veterinary approved orthopedic, fully sealed and impermeable stall flooring. This superior surface offers many health and savings benefits : 

  • Musculoskeletal Health - The orthopedic foam provides cushioned anti fatigue support to joints, tendons and ligaments.

  • Respiratory Health - The fully sealed padded design promotes respiratory health by eliminating the need for deep dusty beds and preventing any build up of ammonia.

  • Rest and Recovery -  superior comfort and anti slip properties provide your horse with the best surface to rest effectively and recover from exercise or injury.

  • Savings and Efficiency - It can pay for itself well within a year by saving you money on shavings, labor and removal costs.

Did you know?

  • Standard rubber matting is typically only 3% softer than concrete?

  • Deep bedding often creates a dusty environment which can lead to respiratory health issues.

  • The familiar 'horsey' smell you get a waft of when entering a barn might actually contain toxic ammonia gases from a build up of urine fallen through the gaps of traditional rubber matting.

The Secret to Superiority

ComfortStall was co-developed with Cornell University Veterinary Hospital and comprises of three key veterinarian recommended components: 

  • Precision Foam - A proprietary 'spring in your step' orthopedic padding made up of chemically cross-linked polyethylene closed cell medical grade padding which is laminated for structural integrity. 

  • IronClad TopCover - Made from 5 layers; 2 of tough, tightly woven polyester/nylon mesh, sandwiched between three layers of dense, vulcanised latex free rubber to offer unmatched structural stability, durability and an impermeable, waterproof and anti-slip surface.

  • HDPE Anchor Strips -  The IronClad TopCover is fitted up the sides of the stall walls and then fixed with anchor strips creating an completely sealed impermeable barrier.

Who Uses ComfortStall?

ComfortStall is used and recommended by veterinarians, champions and horse owners all over the world. Cornell University Equine Hospital puts over 10000 horses a year on ComfortStall to recover after surgery. 


Champion riders all over the world have changed from standard rubbers matting to installing ComfortStall for their horses. 

"My best 7 horses have ComfortStall. They really like it and we are looking at doing the whole stable with it, just because it's a good product; they like to lay down, you can save some shavings, save some straw, and still they will be really comfortable in it."

Martin Fuchs  

FEI World #1 Show Jumper January 2020


Horse owners, just like you, want to give their horse the healthiest and happiest life possible by installing ComfortStall.   

"Within an hour of one being installed, our two year colt is already enjoying them! Resting and eating at the same time! He usually doesn’t nap in his stall! It will take us a few days to install the rest, but we are already thrilled! Thank you again!"


California, USA


ComfortStall has been installed into equine hospitals and veterinarian clinics all around the globe.  

 “Overall, it appears to be the best surface we have come across. In my opinion, as a horse owner, I think it is far superior to regular rubber mats for normal stabling. Nothing is ever easy with horses, but this flooring would reduce the labor and bedding expense and help ensure the horse’s soundness and comfort.”

Cornell University Veterinary Hospital, NY 

What are the benefits?

ComfortStall Reviews